mental stagnation is a civil term for being mentally retarded
this message is an awareness message from us and to enlighten about the strategies of these dirty police stations. it's not a cry for help because I got help that are stronger than police. I don't need the police, but God asks me to call them instead of my friends in Los Angeles. I am a product of prison ministry in California and my gang out there has been killing cops and making them run for decades when the police go beyond the law with them and violating their rights and privacy. cops can't do that stuff. my friends are called terrorists by these cops, but they are the ones who break the law, not my gang, as they have been doing.
list non-discrimination laws of the government to operate in business across America
List what's going on in America
the police are fighting their bosses for executing them for committing crimes
The police are prejudiced and believe that cops and whites should be the only ones with rights, privacy and civil freedoms. Thus, they believe that it's ok for them to commit crimes 1) because they're white and 2) because they are not
The police are violating everyone's rights and privacy
The government are fighting and executing their police
the police don't have any more rights than the communities they operate in
the police go to jail too if they break the law
the police are supposed to obey the law not break it
the police are to serve and protect their communities and remove the trash in it to jail for the communities
but the police are mental. this is why they think that they should be above the law and if they community a crime they shouldn't be put into jail or executed because they're police officers. but police officers aren't supposed to break the law.
these cops are mental and want to do what they think with no civil penalties.
the video I show is what they do in their mental prejudice.
they violate rights, privacy and the federal non- discrimination laws on everyone
they're trying to tell everyone what to do.
personal testimony
breach of contract
have you been getting notified by businesses that people are stealing your private information with breaches of contract? Businesses that have your credit card info aren't supposed to use your cards for personal use, but they are
they way the police are stealing your money is by breach of contracts, then putting your name on your credit profiles at TransUnion, Experian and the other one. they can use your credit cards and steal your cash before you get it. this is what they've been doing for years. You need to read those letters and do what they instruct you to do in them. i got a 2-year free credit monitoring service and I listened to them and pout a freeze and fraud alerts on all 3 credit services. when i did this, 10 officers names from my tribe and New York were seen on my profiles. these cops were fired and executed. They fired 7 in New York and the rest in Bismarck. I was told today that 1 was executed. not just me. this is happening all over. So does God care for the executed dirty cops? yes but people reap what they sow and that was the government's decision.
i was given three of my personal emails by the credit services and instructed to change the passwords on all the sites I use them on and it's a big one, but I'm halfway done. but so far, my money went back up $5000, and two accounts I use were restored. one wrote an apology for saying that my account was delinquent when i was paying the bill every month. a cop did that. another serviced was restored and they sent me a link to change my password. one of my credit card services sent me another credit card saying that this card was getting unauthorized charges. a cop did that. so far, everything is being restored. change your passwords on all the sites that you use with an email account. put a fraud alert and freeze on your credit services. this will pout cops in jail, get them fired and executed by the government.
Family First
I know it sounds whacked for my own relatives to be stealing money from me but that's how my tribe is. they're into savaging. they're savages who kill their own families for their money. when the United States was first formed, the whites taught family first and to defend your family not to kill them for their money and supplies and spouses. My tribe are still savage like they were when they made the USA. They still kill their own families. I was raised in Los Angeles and I'm about family first. its bot a white man's way. it's human potential and evolution.
almost heroes
above the law
the police doing this are from mental houses. how did they become cops? they were deputized for being stronger than the people that the police fight for being unruly. to be deputized means that you are given a gun and badge without the training. the training is where they do the mental exams to see if they meet the minimum requirements to carry a gun and badge.
the state of North Dakota has the highest national rates for mental retardation, obesity and suicide. Minot, North Dakota is the national capital for down syndrome. down syndrome is a mental and physical retardation. this is why this state has the nationally high rates for retardation, obesity, and suicide. It's down syndrome. this state commits suicide because they don't have the mental faculties to process normally rejection and loss over having down syndrome.
the point to note here in why there are mental cases working as cops with guns and badges is because retarded people are mean and like to fight. So, they scare the people that cause problems in communities. These cops became experts in fighting and killing in gangs. So, when they scare the bad tenants in housing, bad people at stores and the bad people in the communities, the cops deputize them. but they're retarded sand they use their badges to commit crimes as they've been doing.
my friends in California have been stronger though. these cops are tough and know how to fight, but they're scared to go to jail, and scared walk to my friends from California and start swinging and rob them. the gangs won many fights because they were scared to go to jail. they made breach of contracts and stole money with perjury. They're sissies with badges. mental cases.
My friends are from gangs in California. they didn't leave when the ice cops told them to leave. they're still in California. the gangs are stronger than cops because they go to jail and do strong arm robberies. when they get orders from the gang leaders, they'll kill in front of police and kill the police too and go to jail laughing. the police won't do this ... they act crazy when no one knows they're committing crimes, but when they get caught or a gang puta a hit on them, they're show their true colors. wimps. we got no respect for cops who break the law and act criminal cos you can't be both. the gangs are stronger than the police and the mental cases they hire to fight for them. a cop can't be stealing and breaking the law on gangs, cos they're cops.
When I was in prison in California, the cops respected and feared my gang. I saw my gang even defend Mexican CO's because we were the same race. Youth are young fools and believe that if you're in jail that you got to start fights with the cops and everyone gets in trouble. The other races and gangs would attack the cops, but my gang would fight the other races and gangs for their people. So, that's the wat an adult thinks. Adults got gang rules against bringing the heat down for no reason. You got to have a reason to attack cops like that. The reason is if the cops mistreat or violate our rights for whatever reason. Lots of cops want to attack and mistreat inmates. one cop told me that he does it so that the inmate will hate coming to prison and stay out of prison and not come back. but my gang said that's wrong because the cops are violating the inmate's rights when they do that. So, the police want to victimize inmates when they're first hired. Like anyone that goes through training, you're anxious to use what you were trained in. But my gang said that the cops are breaking the law when they do that. My gang would tell them that we ain't punks. We're adults doing time for our families and friends and cops going beyond the law with us gets them killed. My gang has levels. They greenlight the cops and their families. Their families get killed so the cops learn what respect is. We show them what it feels like to have their family attacked for no reason. The cops leave us alone because we kill them.
When I got to North Dakota, i was reading in a paper that a warden in one of the state prisons in North Dakota was making the male inmates wear pink and white striped uniforms. The police were also pushing the inmates around. I remember what my gang taught me about cops that break the law. You kill them. That's your right. but these guys didn't do nothing!
So, my point is that the police in North Dakota make you fight for your rights instead of enforce non-discrimination with you. The police in prison, the CO's, they make people fight for their rights but we're not in jail. We're not on parole or probation and they act like this. I have past criminal history, but my present conduct is nothing like my past. The police are supposed to give you your rights because they're there to serve and protect not make you fight for your rights and privacy. Your cops are on the run but got problems with gangs.
I got cops in my family. I don't got problems with cops. I got problems with dirty cops, cos they violate rights and privacy. I don't hang out with my cop relatives and cousins. But I don't reject them either and if it comes to fights with other races, I'll fight for them too. They don't try to hang out with me either do to police policies. I shake their hands at funerals because they're relatives. Youngsters and fake gangsters say you can't talk to cops if you're in a gang. But our rules say that family comes before the gang. A fake will take a pic of you shaking your cop relative's hand at a funeral and send it to someone saying that I'm a snitch. But real gangs got no rules like that. It's about your race in real gangs. family first then your race. Meeting and fighting for them is what it's all about.
My point in talking about cops in my family and fighting for them is to say that some related cops have asked me to become a cop because when it comes to conflict, I resolve it. I know what to do and I don't call the cops. They said that I would make a good cop because I end problems. my gang taught me to do that so that I don't become a victim to anyone. To be in my gang you got to be a man and win fights. You can't be a victim. You got to fight and kill everyone that's giving you problems and the cops too if they get involved and you don't stop until everyone's dead or you die getting your respect.
But I won't become a cop because of my religion. In my relationship with God, He doesn't want me to arrest people. he wants me to get their trust by not calling them cops on them and praying with them instead. You accept them, let them in help them and m minister to them. I'm a prison minister. I'm here to help the gangs for God not the cops. So, I won't become a cop because Jesus wants me to be a priest, not a cop. God's killing these bad cops in North Dakota and Minnesota. 4 were fired yesterday from Minot for those breaches and splitting stolen money.
So, God wants me to tell you that he has been telling me to call the cops and not the gangs with these problems with the bad cops out here. There is another police agency firing and executing them. I'm not gangbanging with the cops especially since I'm over 33. But because I'm over 33, my gang is going to fight even if the cops are doing their jobs with these bad cops.
ignorant, godless savages