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February 19th, 2025

Updated: 1 day ago

So, the Lord has been sending His angels to talk to me again about the "upset" in America ... I'm upset because of the racism in the government ... what has me upset is that Trump is trying to take Native American citizenship. Meaning that we are not citizens of the United States. Citizens only of our Reservations. We are Native Americans and have had our roots and ancestry traced back to the Asians in Siberia. Native Americans are part Asian and part Siberian. See links below.

We Native Americans are indigenous to America like the Asians are to Siberia. Trump says that this does not make us citizens of the white people that came and made the United States. Everyone is angry about what Trump is doing because we Native Americans were in America before the whites were.

This says a lot. First, that the United States is in authority in America through initiatory force on Native Americans and not through ancestry or descent like in any other country. Second, this says that Trump trying to eradicate our citizenship off our Reservations on "their land" is further acts of initiatory force against the Native Americans by the whites. To take the land back from the whites will take a war from the Native Americans. The United States is the same Roman Empire that killed Christ. I'll get to this later ...

I've got a lot to say about this. First, in California where I grew up, the whites don't act like this. They don't try to take your land and citizenship. Second, the reason they don't is because the Mexican and black gangs are stronger than the police stations are. White people only start fights if they got police to run to after. If there's no cops, the whites won't start fights and they live in fear of other racial predators.

No offense, but I'm used to seeing white men losing in fights, running and begging for their lives. I come to North Dakota, and you got whites acting in initiatory force and pride because there's no gangs making them bow down. Ask Trump if the ICE cops took the Mexican gangs in Los Angeles back to Mexico ... if he doesn't answer, I will. They didn't leave. The gangs made ICE leave Los Angeles ... I'm saying this because I was a gangmember in Los Angeles with the Chicanos. They're not racial. I grew up with them. I never saw a white ever win a fight or a riot in California against raza and still don't today.

I'm a Christian and God is on my side, not the government. God is on the side of anyone who believes in Jesus, even if they're in the government. I got a lot to say about this war against the Native Americans.

First of all, God says that all the land on earth belongs to God, not to my people the Native Americans, and not to the whites. God says in the Bible that the earth is His and that He gives the land to the righteous because of their righteousness and takes the land from the wicked because of their wickedness (Dt. 9:4-6). I have to warn my people that God's hand was involved in the taking of our land by the Americans. Our Native American people were cannibals eating their kids and feeding them to the demon Sasquatch, called "Moloch" in the Bible (Lev. 18:21/ Jer. 32:35) when the whites came from Europe.

God says that our people were very wicked when Europe came across the ocean and landed on our shores. The whites taught us not to eat people ... God used them to civilize our race. Today, Native America has been converted to Christianity and now God is fighting the racist whites in the American government for the Native Americans. I'm one of them.

God has a warning for the American government and the white racists in America not to put a finger on His anointing on His church ... it has to do with the fire breather in the post picture. I'll get to it in a minute...

But first, God says that He's fighting America because they're prejudiced. In their white pride, they want to make America like it was when they first came over. They made slaves and used initiatory force on the Native Americans. God has a problem with America going back to slave trading and segregation because the Native Americans, the Africans in America and the Latinos across America are Christians now. It's not like it was when they took the land and made slaves. None of those people were Christian. But they are now, and America is now fighting Gold when they try to use force and make slaves.

God took the land from my people and raised the whites up in America to preach to everyone. The Americans killed, stole and raped. But they also taught us not to cannibalize people. They did civilize our tribes, and we no longer do cannibalism in our Pow Wows. Yes, and they taught the Native Americans and the Africans about Jesus. Mexico was taught by God and the angels about Jesus in the Fatima visitations ...

God reached the Native Americans in North America and Africa with the Gospel from the nation of Europe. See the link below about the comedy starring a late friend of mine from Los Angeles, Chris Farley (RIP) called "Almost Heroes" about the famous "Lewis & Clark Trail" in North Dakota.

It shows the first settlers as Christians and calling our tribes "godless savages". That would be a Christian perspective not a white racist one. My point is that Europe brought the name of Jesus with them when they came across America. God took the land from us Native Americans because we were an evil nation. The people who came from Europe were preachers ... some were racists ... it's like that in every country.

"Almost Heroes" (1998)

Chris Farley was a friend of mine. He looked a lot like my younger brother, Scott. So, my Native American people, don't get mad at this clip because it's not racism. Chris was joking, not being racial. Both of the white guys in the clip below were my friends from Los Angeles and both passed away, RIP ... Matthew Perry from the comedy "Friends" and Chris Farley from "Beverly Hills Ninja" from 1997 ... Chris, while he was alive, visited New Town and the other Reservations in North Dakota many times since we met at the Indian Centers in downtown Los Angeles when I was 13 ... I took classes to become a cameraman not an actor at the Indian Centers and we made a low budget movie that summer in 1980 called "The Two Worlds of Danny White Cloud" ... about a Native American who grew up in Los Angeles and became a gang member ... lol, like what happened to me ... it was a struggle between his Native American beliefs and the gang life ... this certificate as a cameraman and being a drummer started my star career in Los Angeles as a youth ... my friends made this movie about the Lewis & Clark trail and the tribes in North Dakota ...

"Bent Twig" (Almost Heroes - 1998)

The point is that God is saying that the whites today will not have success in going back to the days when the first settlers came to America and took the land because the indigenous peoples are now Christians like them. And now, God is fighting the racist whites in America because these are Christians that they're trying to enslave with their laws. That's the point. America is fighting God now ... God is fighting America for touching His anointing on us.

God has all seven archangels guarding me along with one hundred more that I know of, because of the evil people around me. Michael talks to me regularly. God sends Michael to defend His people. He tells me how weak the people are that oppress me with their hate. He calls them pieces of meat and likes to burn them, God's enemies, with fire ... you have been seeing UFO's watching me and tornadoes following me around ... the Bible says that God's angels drive UFO's (2 Sam. 22:5-20) ... that's what those are on top of the tornadoes ... that's who those are in the clouds ... angels. The archangels. My guardian angels (Ps. 91). These are the things you call "aliens" in the sky.

God and he are mad at the government ... not for what they're doing to Native Americans and Latinos, but because of what they're doing to God's church among them ... they been mad for years and got plans to deal with it all ... God told me not to feel threatened by Trump's acts against my civil freedoms because He said that He's in control of the government and Trump. He told me to talk to Him what they're doing to me and that He'll get rid of them ... So, there's no fear here with me against the white racists, lol ...

I want to tell you that we are in the middle of a revival ... remember the recent fires in Los Angeles County? Of course, you do ... do you remember that big spaceship in the clouds that was dumping water on the fires and extinguishing them? People got it on camera ... it came from the clouds ... that was my prayer to Jesus to put the fires out for the Christians suffering there ... I'll post it soon. Look close at it because it says, "The Lord's Tabernacle" on that ship! It was not a broken water cloud ... it was a huge square spaceship ... it looked like a trash truck when it dumps its trash into the landfill ...

This past summer 2024, I prayed three tornadoes away from Underwood, North Dakota ... people heard my prayer and saw the tornadoes turn before their eyes, but because they don't believe, they won't talk about it because to them it was "strange" to see a tornado turn around and disappear ... I also prayed and healed one of my cats ... I also prayed "bronchitis" out of me last month ... I've been doing many things like this ... before I tell you the reason I'm writing this message, I want to tell you what Michael taught me about the white racist.

Plans of Archangel Michael Against White Racist America

For God's Church of Every Tribe and Nation in America

Pride, Police, Physique

A few years ago, when in problems with racists in North Dakota because I'm Native American from a Chicano gang from Los Angeles, God got involved because I've been born-again since 1991. Guys from gangs don't see you as a man of God when someone from their rival gang gets saved and becomes a Christian. They'll try to prey on them. Of course, there are peace treaties rival gangs have and you can't do that. God was showing me how to fight with His Bible instead of with guns (Lk. 21:10-19).

Michael came in 2021 and told me how to defeat white racists. He called himself an angel, and an expert in human annihilation from the nether realm. He told me that white racists live by three laws. Pride, police and physique. I'm going to eat, brb ... I'm back ... Michael for God told me that I'm God's child and anointed and not to fear them ...

He said that white racists operate by pride and it's their children that are their pride. Kill their kids and they'll have no pride to operate with. He said that white racists operate with police. But they'll run and stop fighting if there are no police to call for help. If you kill the police, the white racist will run and hide from you.

Michael also said that white racists operate in their health, what I call the "physique". This means that the white racists in America make slaves, take land, and drop bombs because they got good health. Michael says to send germs and worms (like the COVID, the Black Death and the coming plagues) to their bodies because if they got no health, that the white racist will come to you and ask you for help. They'll beg you for their lives.

Finally, Michael said to gut the white man when you kill him after you defeat him because when he sees that his insides are the same color as yours, he'll see you as his brother and die regretting hurting you. That he'll die with a sad face and a hurt look ... like you were his brother ...

So, this would be a wide scale war across America with Islam to do this because God is giving the nations to Islam and the False Prophet, the Mahdi, coming from there (Rev. 13:11-18/ chap. 17) ... what he will do is end the war ... I got a lot to say on this ...

First, after God took the land from my people to make the United States, He made America strong and is using America, the "Eagle's Wings" in scripture to save Israel (Rev. 12:14) ... America is in a war with Islam because they help Israel.

America also has a huge karmic debt coming for the A bomb on the Asians in Hiroshima, the slave trading in Africa, the initiatory force on Native Americans for their land and for the terrorizing of the Latino peoples in America today. God's people have been asking for revival and God has weighed America in the balances of justice with His angels and they saw all this karmic debt being reaped with God's laws of justice and equity ... "what goes around comes around". "What you do comes back to you". "Catch you on the Rebound".

I want to kill the racists, but I'm born-again and God counsels me and warns me to repent. He sends His angels to fight for me and God tells me that He's in control of Trump and the white racists and not to fear or kill them. I don't have to fight and kill because I can call 12 legions of angels to fight this world for me.

I want to fight but today God spoke to me with His angel Michael. This is the reason why I am writing this message. It's a warning to the wicked about touching me and the Christians in this world. God and Michael told me to give you a warning about "fire" here on this website today ...

So, the Lord heard me thinking that I want to get involved with this military coming to attack America from another country soon ... the Lord said this in reply,

"Let them have it. This is not your home".

So, I'm going to listen to the Lord. What He means is that America is not my home. The Holy Spirit is, and no matter where I'm at or go, I'm always at home in the Spirit of the Lord. The wicked live in houses but we live in God's Presence. Thus, God told me to let the racists have America ... I would be fighting for land and a home that is not mine ... it is God's, and my home is the Lord ...

I remember when I was in prison in California that I had a wish ... to fly like the birds I see in the sky and be free, and soon I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd had already said the same thing in a song called "Freebird" in the video below, in jail or the streets, I'm free and home in God's Spirit ... that freedom that prisoners see in the bird flying free over their prisons, is inside God's Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:17
Authorized (King James) Version


17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is {the dove - Lk. 3:22}, there is {freedom}.

After God told me to let the racists have America and I remembered that God took the land from my people because of their wickedness and gave it to people who wanted to preach the gospel to them, and that God is using America to protect Israel for Him, I understand that God is in control of the government. I got no problem letting the Americans have America ... however, God has a warning to you white racists about oppressing me in America. You're going to be on fire. If you think that I got a slave mentality because I won't respond to your hate, wrong again. That's an observation not an insight because we don't talk. I can write here and make you think whatever I want. I'm still in control with the Lord.

The angel Michael spoke and said this,

"God's men are dragons from the deep ... they breathe fire ..."

And I thought, "fire breathing dragons ... I thought only Satan was a dragon ..."

Then he said,

"Hi. I'm Michael. I'm here to burn these men for you. I breathe fire and I look like an alien. Angels are dragons ..."

Dragons look like half alien and half humans ...

Then I saw him in the Spirit ... hiding behind a door looking up at me ... he put his hand out to shake mine ... he looked humanoid a serpent ... a dragon ... a little boy alien ... then he told me that there is a killer from New York that the white racist organization in Bismarck are sending to fight me ... he gave me the name ... I know him ... we had a fight in 2015, and he got me when my back was turned and trusted him ... that's why I thought he was gay for a long time ...

Thus, the Lord Jesus and the archangel Michael have a warning for the white racists about your plans against me ... lol, Michael is going to sit next to this racist in his car and breathe fire on his face while he's driving and will burn his face off for hurting me, or for touching the Lord's anointing on me ... you can compare it to putting a man's face point black to a flame thrower and burning it off ... he will live if Michael at that time decides to spare him ... and said that he will look like "bone" when people see him after the burning and that when his face grows back, you will see "bone" on his face ... Michael and God told me to tell you that they are going to breathe fire on you ... this is God's judgement on the police forces in America with their criminal cover up's in behalf of God's church in America for attempted murder on God's church ...

To the white racist leader sending this killer, lol ... Michael says that he will meet you and will put out his hand to shake yours and when you do, you will die when you touch his hand ... this is God's judgement on you for trying to kill His prophets in America ... you will die, not us ... you will burn, and we will fly free ...

In scripture, the archangel Michael is the angel with a sword. In Gen 3:24 it says that his sword is a flame of fire because he is the angel of the sun and one of the archangels of God's Light. Since God is a fire (Heb. 12:29), Michael and the archangels are the 9 Lords of Flame. God's Light is the fire of His Presence (2 Sam. 22:13). My guardian angels ... you don't understand ... Gabriels' trumpet is his mouth, Michael's flaming sword is his mouth ... if you see them, you will understand.

I saw Michael's face just below this racist's face from New York breathing fire at his face and burning it off while he drives ... while Michael breathed fire on him ... this breathe blew him up toward the roof in his car seat and back ... as far as his seat belt would allow him to go ... he was a burning skull face (sup' skull face) ... and Michael laughed ... Michael kept breathing fire on his face for about 10-minutes ... he was on fire running around outside his car after ...

This is a prophecy from God and Michael to the white racists if you don't repent and leave me alone, boy ... I ain't got to fight you or get involved in this war ... you're going to be attacked by the aliens in the sky ... for me ... now you understand the post picture of a man breathing fire ... that's what angel Michael does ... that is what he's going to do to the white racists attacking God's church ... God says,

"We gave you the land; to your Christian people, and used you to protect My people, Israel ... now you will forget Me and the Covenant I made with your forefathers to make this land"!

Arc of Fire, Michael, says this to you for disgracing the Lord,

"I will burn you for touching the Lord's anointed" ...

This doesn't have to happen. You can stop it through repentance. But I have to tell you something that God wants to use to humiliate your pride ... you're not in control. God is. You white racists have two choices before you ... you can say sorry and stop fighting God's people, or you can team up against us ... those are your two choices because they come from your hearts and your mind's ... this is the way you think ...

Whichever way you go, God is control. Either of your choices is what God and we want. We want you to leave us alone ... if you don't want to, you will team up and outnumber us and attempt a kill ... God has no pleasure in your death and wants you to leave us alone. You will die. If you choose death, God is the one making you team up for a kill ... God has you outsmarted into thinking that you teaming up all police forces on a small people will work ... but God is making you team up to separate the sheep from the goats (Mt. 25) ... He is separating you into a mob ... a mass of people ... to be killed ... you going to eachother to team up is God confounding you to gather you to be burned ... thus says the Lord,

"Whichever way you go, life or death, you will do what I want, and I am still in control" ...

You are a prisoner of your own hate ... I am free in the Lord's Spirit. I go where I want. Do what I want. Shop where I want. Live where I want and marry who I want. This is how normal people are. But your pride and your hate have you mental cases. You follow me around to fight instead of do what you want to make yourself happy in life. You're in bondage to hatred ... this is not normal to live like this ... no one normal wants to hang around someone with problems like you ... speaking of hanging around people, I have not made friends in North Dakota because of the false prophets in church and in the police stations ... no one who's been born-again like me will hang around people like you who don't live by the Bible ... the Bible teaches us to love others but it does not teach that to love someone means to fellowship with them. You talk to them about Jesus. That's when you hang around them. But you don't fellowship with them (1 Cor. 5:9-13; 15:33/ 2 Cor. 6:14-18/ Ti. 3:10, 11). You're not good friends for me to have if you're not a real Christian. I'll talk to you about Jesus, but I only hang out with real Christians.

The Holy Spirit saved this scripture for the end of this post, to make you remember it,

Psalm 105:15
Authorized (King James) Version

15 saying,
Touch not mine anointed,
and do my prophets no harm.

Thus, the Lord says,

2 Samuel 22:5-20

Authorized (King James) Version


God Will Send His Archangels from the Sky in UFO's

To Help the Church

When the waves of death compassed me,

the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;

the sorrows of hell compassed me about;

the snares of death prevented me;

in my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God:

and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.

Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook,

because he was wroth.

There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured:

coals were kindled by it.

10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.

11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.

12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him,

dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.

13 Through the brightness before him {fire} were coals of fire kindled.

14 The Lord thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.

15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them.

16 And the channels of the sea appeared,

the foundations of the world were discovered,

at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.

17 He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out of many waters;

18 he delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me:

for they were too strong for me.

19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay.

20 He brought me forth also into a large place:

he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

This scripture passage is a picture of something flying down from the sky to save King David that is also talked about in detail in the story of Moses in Ex. 20 when God visited the earth and gave the Ten Commandments. God told me that He calls it His "Cathedral in the sky" ... a city in the clouds ... that ship that poured out water to extinguish the flames burning the homes of my friends and God's people in Los Angeles was called "The Lord's Tabernacle". A UFO ...

About the Roman Empire. The Lord showed me that the United States created this country with books on "World Dominance" from the Roman Empire that crucified Christ. The Romans received instructions from the rulers of hell, the archangels that sinned - the devil and his angels - on how to take the land from humans. The books are about murder and slavery. Not diplomacy. The devil is the Emperor of the Roman Empire. He hates people and taught his empire to make a country through force like the United States did with the Native Americans. But God is love and teaches love.

I'm saying to say that this is why our tribes lost to the initiatory force of the Romans when they took our land and made the United States. God sent the archangel Michael with a plan to exterminate the white racists in America for God. The United States has Rome's books on how to make a country through world dominance. In the Bible, Michael and his angels are stronger than the devil and his angels and Michael and his angels win the war against them (Rev. 12:7-9).

Thus, this plan from Michael on the annihilation of the United States by killing their pride, their police and their health and burning them with fire from God, is superior. Right now, they think that America is their land but it's not. They have the devil's books on making a country through dominance, force, slavery and murder, and it has puffed them up with pride. It's God's land. The earth is His and He has a plan to give this country to the middle east. The whites think America is their land and they act like no one else can live in it but the whites. They act superior in their pride.

But right now, America is stiffnecked in pride and are like Israel was when God gave the land to them back in the days of Moses. Your stiffnecked wickedness and pride is making you lose your country to a more civilized one that God approves of to rule over you ...

Deuteronomy 9:4-6
New International Version

The Land Belongs to God

God Takes the Land from the Wicked and gives it to His People

God Took the Land Because of their Wickedness from the Native Americans

And gave it to the Whites.

Now God is Taking the Land from the Whites in America

Because of their Wickedness

4 After the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself,
“The Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.”
No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations
that the Lord is going to drive them out before you.
5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity
that you are going in to take possession of their land;
but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you,
to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
6 Understand, then,
that it is not because of your righteousness
that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess,
for you are a stiff-necked people.


It is implied in scripture that Satan, Michael and Gabriel, are all the same race. They all look alike. They're angels. They all look like dragons. Firebreathers. Like serpents. you don't understand ... the serpents are the aliens in the sky ...they're angels ... some are good, and some are bad, but they all look alike. So, Michael and Gabriel look like the devil ... but this is not the dragon Satan coming to burn this killer's face off ... it is the dragon Michael with the sword of fire in his mouth ...


The Song on My Mind Today

"Soul Decoded - Instrumental" (Divine Heresy" - 2008)

"Freebird" (Lynard Skynyrd - 1973)

"God is in Control" (Twila Paris - 1993)

Catch You on the Rebound" (Brenton Wood - 1967)


Credit: Peter Ruprecht / Uber talented firebreather Daniel Cheli,

the inferno of his breath embracing the rising sun creates a mystical moment

Let's hear the conclusion of the whole matter. God doesn't want me in this fight. But for those who want to fight me because I won't fight, will be burned by God and His angels ... because I'm a true Christian who doesn't want you around because you're stiffnecked and wicked ... you think I won't fight because I'm scared of you ... I'm not scared I love God and I'm listening to Him ... you have the observations of a weirdo that's scared to fight and because you're mentally stagnated and bicameral, you think that I'm like you. You think every man is like you, but you don't know that people are different than you. Like me. You're scared to fight. Not me. I got Christian values that's why I'm not killing you with my gangs ... check mate ...

World without end. Amen.


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