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"Touch Not My Anointed Ones"

Updated: 1 day ago

Psalm 105:15
Authorized (King James) Version

15 saying, Touch not mine anointed,
and do my prophets no harm.

In the racism that is breaking out in America, God has a warning to this world about His church, saying do not put a finger on His church. God has been saying this over and over since the COVID outbreak in 2020 ... many times I have written it on my websites and whenever I pray, the Holy Spirit gives me this same message in tongues and the interpretation, saying,

"Touch not My anointed one"!

Amidst the racism breaking out, God's church are targets like everyone else is by races that hate theirs. But God is warning you racists not to touch His church in this war ... this is God's message to you in this war ... God will destroy your country with volcanoes and the tremors and tsunami's that come from them until your country is drowned and unlivable...a waste land ... Godforsaken and dead ...

God is warning you racists in America not to touch me or His people around you ... any problems you got with me because of my race or skin color drop it today and you'll live another day ... any problems you got with any of God's people in church, drop it and go somewhere else and you'll live another day ... be warned ...

You have been seeing evidence of an alien race among you on this planet ... some are devils and some are angels, but all are stronger than you are and all are aliens ... do you want to fight these aliens? That's who you'll be fighting if you put a finger on God's people ... if you hurt God's anointed ones, God will kill your children ... be warned ...

2 Kings 2:23-25
Authorized (King James) Version


If You Harm God's Children

God Will Tear Your Children to Pieces

23 And {Elisha} went up from thence unto Beth-el:
and as he was going up by the way,
there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him,
Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord.
And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
25 And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

"They were little children", you say ... how wrong it is to you ... for you to touch God's anointed ones is wrong like that to God ... it is wrong to hurt God's children like it is for a she bear to tear little children to pieces ... you racists need to learn some respect for God and His people because someone lied to you and said that Christians are worthless and to be used to kill for sport ... let this message teach you enough respect to stay away from me and my Christian people ... you think it's wrong to kill a child? That's how God feels about you killing His kids ...

What did you say? "God will kill a little baby" ... in heaven, that's what the angels say about humans when they kill a Christian ... "They want to kill a little baby" ... that's what Christians are to God ... little babies ... not only are you in the wrong for killing God's little babies, but you are backwards ... God can kill you if He wants because He's the creator ... who are you to question the Lord about those little children torn to pieces by two she bears for mocking the anointing of the Lord? Who are you to take the life of one of God's little babies? Who do you think you are to put little children before the Lord and His church? You are the ones that are backwards ... not God. What did you say? "Messages like this make people hurt" ... you understand now God's pain when you hurt His kids ... as you hurt to hear little children being eaten alive by bears, so that's how God feels when you hurt His children ...

You have no idea the rage the holy angels feel for the Lord being hurt like this ... but one day in the fall of 2023, the archangel Gabriel suddenly spoke and gave me a message about these watchers in these craft in the sky ... I just wrote what he said and published it. He told me to title it "The Return of Christ", so I did.

As time passes, this message from Gabriel about the rage of these holy beings in those craft is making sense ... in face of the pride & prejudice going on with the American government at this time, it has deep meaning ...

"Touch not My anointed"!

The Lord is wailing from the sky in those craft as a mother for her only child dead ... I want to put up an excerpt from that message from arc Gabriel about those angels waiting to kill off the human race with the Lord Jesus when He returns ...

Archangel Gabriel Witnesses to God's Enemies in This World

About the Return of Christ

A Warning to Repent

From Gabriel Arc of Light

Archangel Gabriel of the Angels of Light

Speaks more to us about those alien craft ships you see in the sky


"Those things up in those Craft in the sky that create storms

{Ex. 20/Ps. 18:7-15}

are violent"

{Gen. 19/ 2 Sam 24:15, 16/ 1 Chr. 21:15}.

{Craft such as in the pic above, a depiction of the angelic craft ship of Ezekiel 1},

"They want to kill man for making that serpent their Lord"

{Gen. 3/ Rev. 12:9; 20:2/ 2 Cor. 4:1-4/ Gal. 1:3-5}.

"God's angels are enraged like Him

{Ps. 5:5; 11:5/ Pr. 6:16-19; 8:13}

Because of man's choice,

To become dumped by the Lord and become a slave of sin"

{Ps. 78:49/ Rev. 15 & 16/ Ps. 11:53}.

"Man wants to make Satan his Lord because he's wicked"

{Jn. 6:44; 8:31-47}.

"They don't understand God's Gospel of repentance and New Birth"

{1 Cor. 2/Jn. 3/ Eze. 36:25-27/ Ti. 3:4-7/ 1 Pt. 1:22-25/ Acts 2:38, 39},

"Because that's what gets rid of the evil thoughts about making Satan their Lord"

{2 Cor. 5:17-21/ 1 Jn. 1:5-10/ Ps. 51/ }.

"All you need to do is repent from sin like a child listening to someone new"

{Mt. 18;19:1-14},

"And let Him do His work of salvation from your bones to your head"

{Eze. 36:25-27/ Ti. 3:4-7/ 1 Pt. 1:22-25}.


It's True

God's Angels are Violent

And They're Stronger Than the Devil

They Push the Devil Around

And Make Fun of Him

(Rev. 12:7-9)

Let's remove the scripture references from the message above from Gabriel to hear it without distraction ...

Those things up in those Craft in the sky that create storms are violent

They want to kill man for making that serpent their Lord

God's angels are enraged like Him because of man's choice to become dumped by the Lord

and become a slave of sin

Man wants to make Satan his Lord because he's wicked

They don't understand God's Gospel of repentance and New Birth

Because that's what gets rid of the evil thoughts about making Satan their Lord

All you need to do is repent from sin like a child listening to someone new

And let Him do His work of salvation from your bones to your head

See the message here

Those angels in the sky in those machines, people who've met them know that they're mean. But they're not the devil. That's the rage they feel for the Lord. They don't like you unless you listen to God. If you're born again and anointed, they will walk with you if you listen to God. If you're born again and are in sin instead of listening to God, they will make fun of you and be mean to you.

To walk with an angel, you have to do something for the Lord. If not, they'll be mean to you. Same thing with God's church. When you love the Lord, you don't want people around you that don't listen to God. You'll be mean to them. You might think this is wrong. But we're like that because we love God, and it is God who makes us like that. Thus, it is acceptable to God.

Jesus spoke about the devotion of the holy angels in the parable of the Prodigal Son. Read it below ...

Luke 15:25-32
Authorized (King James) Version

25 Now his elder son was in the field:
and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him,
Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf,
because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father,
Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment:
and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 but as soon as this thy son was come,
which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him,
Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad:
for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Points to note in this story. That the angels are our elder brothers. This is a family we humans are in with them. A celestial family with God and the holy angels. The angels are our brothers.

We are like the younger brother, the prodigal son, who squandered his relationship with his father. But the angels are like the older brother and think like he does about us. They're angry with God for showing grace to our undeserving behavior. The angels obey God like we never have and thus they feel that it's wrong to show us grace. They're mad and a little jealous of us. But they love God and listen to Him, and they want to beat us up for disrespecting God like this ...

Read this passage and see that this is how the angels see us and think toward God and us humans ... that we don't deserve God's grace ... that we should get what we deserve ... the angels desire to look into and understand God's grace because they listen to Him and don't understand it (1 Pt. 1 :11-13) ...

However, it is easy to see, especially since Gabriel witnesses and preaches just as good as any born-again evangelist in church. I have his messages. That, the angels now understand God's grace. At first, in the beginning, they desired to look into the things of the gospel of grace. But now, they preach with us and even show an example of it.

So, God and His angels, along with us, His church, want to warn the proud and evil flesh that want to touch the Lord's anointed ones ... we have those UFO's hovering over our homes ... they are making storms right now to control you and keep you away from us ...

The Lord Sends UFO's to Help Us Christians

See Bold Case Below

2 Samuel 22:5-20
Authorized (King James) Version

5 When the waves of death compassed me,
the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;
6 the sorrows of hell compassed me about;
the snares of death prevented me;
7 in my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God:
and he did hear my voice out of his temple,
and my cry did enter into his ears.
8 Then the earth shook and trembled;
the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.
9 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils,
and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down;
and darkness was under his feet.
11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly:
and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him,
dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.
13 Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.
14 The Lord thundered from heaven,
and the most High uttered his voice.
15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them;
lightning, and discomfited them.
16 And the channels of the sea appeared,
the foundations of the world were discovered,
at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
17 He sent from above, he took me;
he drew me out of many waters;
18 he delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me:
for they were too strong for me.
19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity:
but the Lord was my stay.
20 He brought me forth also into a large place:
he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

Revelation 14:9-11

Authorized (King James) Version


And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice,

If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,

which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation;

and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels,

and in the presence of the Lamb {Jesus}:

11 and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:

and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image,

and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

World without end. Amen.


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