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What's Next? Revival

Updated: 14 hours ago

Isaiah 54:16-17
Authorized (King James) Version

16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire,
and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work;
and I have created the waster to destroy.
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;
and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and their righteousness is of me,
saith the Lord.

What's Next?


Back in 2022 when the Lord was talking to me about this coming war, an angel of the Lord said this,

"That's what's good about war...

there's peace after everybody's dead".

This morning,

The Light told me that the real American government is underground. They said that Trump is going underground to hide. They said that the real government has come up from underground and is yelling at the Trump Administration. They said that Trump is in violation of another Constitution. The real U.S. Constitution. The real U.S. Constitution is not on public display or in public books. It is in the archives of the American government unground.

From what I've been taught about this government; the U.S. government, is that there are two circles in it. The inner and the outer. The outer circle is the government you see, and the inner circle is the government you don't see. The underground government.

The white racists in the outer court who are attacking the other races in the borders of the United States are outnumbered by them ... the Lord told me a few things about this country. There are plans for the people who aren't Christian for their welfare and His plan for His church. People who aren't Christian can fight. Christians let God fight for them.

The guardian angels assigned to me by God, tell me to fight and kill then God tells me to love and pray. These are not demons who guard me. They are not fighting God when they tell me to do things that not what God wants for me. They are archangels. God says in Psalm 91:10-13 that He has commanded the archangels to protect His people; the church. When they tell me to fight and kill, they are doing their job for God with me.

Jesus says in Rev. 1:20 that the seven churches are guarded by seven angels. There are seven archangels in scripture and seven churches. Thus, the seven angels are the seven archangels. All these angels help each church with their specialties. For example, God has assigned all seven to me back in 2005. They all take turns helping me and this is why I have all my needs met (Mt. 6). Such as family, pets, the right friends, a home, money and food and drink. Thus, the guardian angels who tell me to fight and kill people are doing their job with me for God.

These angels have been assigned to the human race. They are stronger than men (2 Pt. 2:11). Thy told me how they see people. They say that they are pieces of meat and easy to kill. The angels know how to wipe out the human race in a single war. I have been having problems with white racists since I left California in 2001. In California, my guardians were my Mexican gang in Los Angeles. We held down the prisons against the whites, blacks and Asians. When I left California, God assigned me the archangels to protect me. Briefly, it was the Catholic Church that done this. They also gave me my prophetic powers in 2004. It was Seers, prophets, priests and psychics who work with the archangels. I got letters from the angels and these people in the Catholic hierarchy for God.

These angels have been giving me plans to kill off the white race for attacking God's church. These angels love God and are dangerous towards mankind for their sin and rebellion against the Lord because they love Him. They want to kill and wipe out the human race for hurting the Lord. Those angels in those time machines you see in the air, want to kill us for hurting the Lord. At the same time, they love and are lonely for us. They are our elder brothers that Jesus talked about in the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Lk. 15:25-32. One thing they know how to do and are good at, is listening to the Lord (Ps. 103:20; 104:4; 68:17). This is why they haven't killed us off and haven't manifested and met us in person.

I want to share these insights with the people who are not Christian, then I will share God's plan for the church in this war.

God's Will for the United States

"Make Another Country"

I'm an enrolled member from the Fort Berthold Federal Reservation in New Town, North Dakota. I'm also half American white. My white family are from North Carolina and Colorado. However, I grew up in Los Angeles and was not wanted by both sides of my family and I grew up in jail with the Mexican gangs. These are who got my loyalty by becoming my family. They are not racial. I look like them and racism is broke when you look like people or have common denominators with them.

Back in 2004, I had received messages from churches all over the country with messages from God and His archangels. One church in Colorado had written to me with a few prophecies. One was about God making another country and that I was part of this movement. I didn't know what they were talking about back then. But now I understand that God is using me to help make another country in the United States, like He's telling me what to write in this post.

God wants to make another country with His church. The other day when God told me that He wants to make another country in the United States, He also said that it's because no one wants this land. What President Trump is doing is trying to make everyone leave the country that is not white or a citizen. He wants Native Americans to make their own country by removing their citizenship as first nation Americans. By deporting Mexicans to Mexico, and removing citizenships from all American peoples in the United States.

In Islam, the Mahdi and the Muslims call America "the Romans". This is because the U.S. used the books of the original Roman Empire that crucified Christ on how to make their own country. The United States is another Roman Empire. It's about world dominance and the Lord told me that it was written by the rulers of hell. Angels. What God calls in Rev. 12:14, "the face of the serpent". The face of the serpent looks human, but it is a serpent. Not human. Imposters. The elite. Aliens. Part human, part angel. Hybrids. The Lord calls them "abominations" because they are not His creations. They are the devil's genetically mutated things.

The Roman Empire's books on world dominance are not about civil rights. They're demonic about slavery, murder and dominating other nations for their land. The United States used the Roman Empire's books to take the land from the Native Americans to make their own land. Thus, the President talks like this is their land when they try to take the citizenship of the other nations in the United States. But according to their books, the land is up for grabs and goes to the strongest.

You Can Take America Back from the Government

You can take the land from the whites in America and make them go back to Europe and no one will stop you. The President wants you all to leave the United States and make your own country. God wants us to make this country into another country.

For those who don't believe in Jesus, I have been told that the non-white peoples in the United States outnumber the whites. There are more blacks, Latins, Asians and Native Americans than there are whites in America. When Israel were slaves to Egypt, God made Israel a bigger nation than Egypt and outnumbering Egypt made Israel stronger (Ex. 1:7-10).

You'll have to stop trying to use the Constitution to get your rights from the government because according to their books on world dominance, they have stopped using law and are using force to tell you what to do. Use force and numbers.

What the angels told me about the American racists in authority right now, is to gut them and show them that they're the same color as you are inside. When you do, that the white racist will see you as his brother and stop being prejudiced against your skin color. These angels say that these white racists are meat and can be changed by things like that.

They also told me that the American white racist on the surface of America has weak spots as humans. They got pride, want security and good health. You can defeat them with those three things.

Kill Their Pride

Their pride is their children. You can emasculate their pride by killing their children. There's lots of horrible ways to do this. Such as "stuffing". Also starving, feeding their kids and wives to them on drugs...acid barrels...

Stuffing is to gut their children and sew them up stuffed with bags of drugs called a "dummy". A stuffed human being like a stuffed animal. Also kidnap and starve the white racist on drugs for thirty days and chop up and cook his wife and kids and feed them to him. That was gross enough...gangs and terrorists have books on these subjects.

The Trump Administration is trying to take Native American citizenship. However, the whites aren't from North America. They're from Europe. You can start a revolution to take over the American government and tell them to go back to Europe. That's where they're from. According to US dogma, the land is up for grabs all over the world and belongs to the strongest people who dominate the others. You'll have to start killing whites. They took land from the first nation and through brute force give orders and say that this is their land. You can do the same thing.

Kill Their Police

These angels told me that white people won't fight without their police. If you kill their police, they'll stop fighting you, beg for their lives and run.

Kill Their Health

If you take the health from a white racist, he will stop fighting and beg you for help and beg you for his life. This is what the archangels told me. If you kill their kids, kill their police and kill their health, then grab the white man and gut him showing him that he's the same color as you inside, you'll get American back.

Start a Revolution with the Terrorists

In America

Today, these angels told me that the whites in America who came from Europe are outnumbered by the other nations among them in the United States. There are more blacks, Italians, Latins, Asians and Native Americans than whites in America. If you all teamed up against the whites in your military and police forces and in every city, then killed every white child, man and woman in every city in America, you would have a new country. That's what you would have to do to stop what the Trump Administration is doing to you all.

To clarify what I mean by "revolution", in prison in California, I was from a gang that had their families working as CO's. In riots, the gangs backed up their race that were CO's. Mexican gangs protected Mexican CO's. Black gangs protected black CO's. White gangs protected white CO's. Asian gangs protected Asian CO's. You need to use this racism in the military and police forces. You need to get them to fight for their race against the white soldiers and white police. The Mexicans team up. The Blacks team up. The Asians team up. The Native Americans team up. You can get your race in the military and police forces to team up with you against the whites in authority because of their pride and prejudice. They're about domination and you're to be about your survival. The Mexican, Black, Asian and Native American military personal and police, team up and kill the whites in their military and police forces to team up with their civilian races to take the land back from the white racists.

If you walk outside with a gun and start shooting all the whites in your town, you'll be called a "mental case", and people will call the cops. It'll be you against a system. If you kill the cops in your town first, they'll call the military. So, you got to get the military first, then the cops then the people in your town, and that's how you do it.

Instead of nuking everyone, you get rid of the whites by teaming up because there are more Mexican, Black, Asian and Native Americans in the United States. These are things that my angels have showed me. They are enraged and so is Jesus at the pride of the white Americans in the United States against His anointed ones.

The whites want to dominate and enslave the other races. They put law aside with the Constitution to use force to tell you what to do. They want to dominate and kill everyone. You need to survive by killing everyone. Cop and criminal teamed up as one race against the others ... nothing matters in a war but your people and survival ...what reason is there for allegiance and loyalty to the American flag and their Constitution when they're trying to make slaves out of you ... you don't need the Roman Government's books on world dominance that they have to win. You need to survive their racism. This is about your race and freedom. Thus, to team up against the American government is how to do it. You unite your race in the military and the police with you to survive the slavery ... and you kill the whites in authority ... after the smoke clears, you will still have America, but you will be rid of the ones that want to make slaves of your people ... what next? Will you be able to remain civilized and run the country in fairness and civility? Or will you riot against the other races until only yours is left?

Charles Manson used to preach about this race war back in the 60's. He called it "Helter Skelter". Charles Manson was a false prophet who said that he was Jesus Christ returned in the flesh. The real Jesus prophesied about him in Mt. 24:26 saying that a false Christ will come from the desert ... Death Valley, California, to be exact ... Manson, though false, did his job and imitated Christ's love and preached love in the Hippy movement back in the 60's in Los Angeles and made a real love and unity movement in Los Angeles, because everyone weas treating everyone else right. Everyone got along and were all over eachother ... today, it's all about germ warfare, sickness and blocking everyone for your peace of mind instead of love ...

That all changed in 1994 with the law. The whites in law ended all the love and unity in the communities. There was a new CDC Director (California Department of Corrections), the Three Strikes law came into law, and youths were allowed into prisons at age 18. It used to be 25. These three things caused everyone to fight. That's what the law did to try and control the gangs.

Check out Tex Watson's book titled "Will You Die For Me". This will explain to you that Charles Manson thought he was Jesus Christ. He will tell you what his name means ... "Charles Willis Manson - Charles Will Is Man Son". Manson passed away in 2017 when I was in Los Angeles. I saw him in 1992 in Corcoran State Prison during the L.A. Riots ...

But there's another way. Let the church do their job with God. I'll get to that soon. I am a Christian. I have been born-again and Spirit filled since 1991. But I've been harassed by white racist Americans for a few years and Jesus is sad ... this is why the angels are mad and want to kill America ... it's not so much that the angels care about, but the Lord. They love God! And they become angry enough to kill everything when they see Him crying ... the pain the white racists in American caused me for the last two decades has heaven mad. It's not just me. But there are white Christians. Black Christians, Latin Christians, Asian Christians and Native American Christians all over the United States. These people are oppressed by the white racists in America. It's the church that Jesus is concerned about. What God is doing to the United States is for His Church. The Bible says in Rom. 13:6 that the government's job is to serve the church. This means to protect the church.

Romans 13:1-6
Living Bible

1 Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there.
There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power.
2 So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. 3 For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right;
but those doing evil will always fear him.
So if you don’t want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well.
4 The policeman is sent by God to help you.
But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished.
He is sent by God for that very purpose.
5 Obey the laws, then, for two reasons: first, to keep from being punished,
and second, just because you know you should.
6 Pay your taxes too, for these same two reasons.
For government workers need to be paid so that they can keep on doing God’s work, serving you.

God's Plan for the Church in America

Trust and Obey

1) Do whatever God says to you to do because it is to make a new country for yourselves in America.

2) Let the Lord fight for you.

I want to end here. God told me that Trump is dying this year from that gunshot. He said that the bullet hit a part of his brain that is killing him slowly. He won't talk about this, but the government know. They have plans for another president already.

Finally, judgement. God gave America with all its racists to the church of all races. If God's plan to make a new American doesn't work, then starting this year American will come apart from underground and be buried under the ocean. The white racists in the American government are in debt to God for what they're doing to His church and to the human race.

God has laws in rule in life. One of them is called "equity" (Ps. 98:9/ Pr. 2:8-10). What you do comes back to you from God. If you do evil, you will be repaid with that same evil. If you do good, you will be repaid with that same good. The people who made this country did it with force and this is coming back to them starting this year. For the A bomb on the Asians in Hiroshima. The slave trading on Africa. The initiatory force on Native Americans. The terrorizing on the Latins today. Within those nations are Christians whom the Lord is fighting for. It doesn't matter if you believe in Jesus or not. What you do will come back to you.

God's Judgement on America

Volcanic Eruptions

A great flood is coming from the east coast that will go all the way to Montana. A great flood is coming to the west coast that will go all the way to Montana. The government hiding underground will not escape this shaking unless they leave America. Like birth pangs to a new world, the North American Continent is coming apart from underground. The stewing lava under the earth is breaking America apart all across the United States. it is cracking and splitting open and spitting out boiling mud, water and steam. America will crack in the middle and split in two as icebergs underground flood the Great Lakes. A volcano will erupt numerous times in Washington state sending tsunami's to Mexico, Alaska, Canada and Hawaii. The earthquakes and floods will also flood all the way to Montana turning the west coast and central American into waist high marsh lands and islands.

The other volcano is somewhere in the east. When it blows, it will also erupt numerous times and also destroy the surrounding land with earthquakes and floods. The tsunamis will reach all the way to Montana. The tidal wave you see this summer in the Dakotas will be coming from the Atlantic Ocean. America will be flooded and turned into islands and marshlands with survivors trying to connect the islands. In New York state, the tallest skyscrapers and the torch on the State of Liberty will be buried so far beneath the ocean that from the surface you will not see them. A lot of Christians will die in this flood. If you want to let God deal with this country, this is what He will do. This is all for now ...

So, the Lord just told me that the government will close down soon. When they do there will be no more food or money. This is why God is telling us to make our own country ... the Lord says,

"When you see volcanic ash, look up. You will see a giant wave ... I don't want My people to die in this wave ... "

The Lord says that this volcanic explosion in Washington state will be ten times stronger than Mount Saint Helens in the 80's. If you remember, that explosion was like a nuclear bomb. See links below. God says that the volcano exploding in the east will be greater than Mount Saint Helens as well ...

When I said the archangels are telling me to fight and kill, I got an example. The angels have been sent God to help me with weird men like the cops and racists and fake pastors. Normal people with these positions would not be weird. Weird men using these positions to look good to get your trust then attack you. Friends told me they're queer that do this.

The angels come and see my problems than look at the people causing these problems, then they give me their names and I make a hit list. They say that if I kill them all that I will have no more problems. But the Lord asks me to "bear fruit". This means that instead of gratifying your flesh with revenge, you mortify your flesh to turn the other cheek and when you obey God in spite of your feelings, which are the lusts of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-26), you bear fruit. You start to grow. But the angels want these people dead for hurting the Lord by attacking me and His people.

God doesn't want you to touch His anointed ones in this country and world (Ps. 105:15). It doesn't matter how evil you think you are, your pride will be your downfall if you touch one of us. These are angels that fly around in those things in the sky. UFO's, drones, all that. They want to kill these people that are harming God's people. They love God and want to kill the human race for hurting God. God is hurt that we don't love Him.

An only child has significant Hebrew meaning in scripture (Gen. 22:2/ Lk. 7:12/ Jn. 3:16). To lose an only child is significant. To mourn for an only child because it's dead, is very significant. The Bible says in 1 Thes. 2:16 that when Jesus returns, that He will shout as He descends from heaven to earth. Not scripture. Not commentaries, but the Lord and His angels revealed to me what that shout will be ... "shout as a mother wailing for her only child dead".

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". For the mother who carried her only child for nine months and then to lose the only child to a murder ... the loss of a child with special and significant plans for her life ... nothing is more vicious than a mother who's lost her only child to a murder and in the day of vengeance, she will not spare ... jealousy is the rage of a man ... and to mourn for her only child dead, is the rage of a woman ... nothing makes a woman kill more and she will not rest until she kills everyone involved ... no man can face a woman in mourning for the murder of her only child ... the Lord said that,

"Women are stronger than men when it comes to their children"

... the rage of a woman avenging the murder of her only child will not be quenched until they are dead ... as you live, you will be attacked until you are killed by the wailing mother ... only the murderer's death will quench the fire of the woman's rage for the murder of her only child ... this is what the Lord taught me about the shout of the Lord Jesus when He returns ... He is hurting bad over this world killing His children ... and in the day of vengeance He will return wailing like a mother who's lost her only child to a murder ... that's how Jesus feels for you, O Christian, when you're hurt by people because you're a Christian ... the Lord Jesus will not spare in the day of vengeance ... He will wipe this world system out for killing His children ... it will be a bonfire, the recreation of the entire cosmos (2 Pt. 3/ Rev. 19). The Lord says that rage of the wailing mother is God's image in the female ... the Lord says that when He returns as that rage of the wailing mother, doesn't mean that He's a punk-b**ch ... God is explaining a rage that is stronger than a man and can't be quenched by anything but your death ... it's inevitable that the Lord will kill this world for killing His children and for hurting God ...

You have no idea the rage the holy angels feel for the Lord being hurt like this ... but one day in the fall of 2023, the archangel Gabriel suddenly spoke and gave me a message about these watchers in these craft in the sky ... I just wrote what he said and published it. He told me to title it "The Return of Christ", so I did.

As time passes, this message from Gabriel about the rage of these holy beings in those craft is making sense ... in face of the pride & prejudice going on with the American government at this time, it has deep meaning ...

"Touch not My anointed"!

The Lord is wailing from the sky in those craft as a mother for her only child dead ... I want to put up an excerpt from that message from arc Gabriel about those angels waiting to kill off the human race with the Lord Jesus when He returns ...

Archangel Gabriel Witnesses to God's Enemies in This World

About the Return of Christ

A Warning to Repent

From Gabriel Arc of Light

Archangel Gabriel of the Angels of Light

Speaks more to us about those alien craft ships you see in the sky


"Those things up in those Craft in the sky that create storms

{Ex. 20/Ps. 18:7-15}

are violent"

{Gen. 19/ 2 Sam 24:15, 16/ 1 Chr. 21:15}.

{Craft such as in the pic above, a depiction of the angelic craft ship of Ezekiel 1},

"They want to kill man for making that serpent their Lord"

{Gen. 3/ Rev. 12:9; 20:2/ 2 Cor. 4:1-4/ Gal. 1:3-5}.

"God's angels are enraged like Him

{Ps. 5:5; 11:5/ Pr. 6:16-19; 8:13}

Because of man's choice,

To become dumped by the Lord and become a slave of sin"

{Ps. 78:49/ Rev. 15 & 16/ Ps. 11:53}.

"Man wants to make Satan his Lord because he's wicked"

{Jn. 6:44; 8:31-47}.

"They don't understand God's Gospel of repentance and New Birth"

{1 Cor. 2/Jn. 3/ Eze. 36:25-27/ Ti. 3:4-7/ 1 Pt. 1:22-25/ Acts 2:38, 39},

"Because that's what gets rid of the evil thoughts about making Satan their Lord"

{2 Cor. 5:17-21/ 1 Jn. 1:5-10/ Ps. 51/ }.

"All you need to do is repent from sin like a child listening to someone new"

{Mt. 18;19:1-14},

"And let Him do His work of salvation from your bones to your head"

{Eze. 36:25-27/ Ti. 3:4-7/ 1 Pt. 1:22-25}.


It's True

God's Angels are Violent

And They're Stronger Than the Devil

They Push the Devil Around

And Make Fun of Him

(Rev. 12:7-9)

Let's remove the scripture references from the message above from Gabriel to hear it without distraction ...

Those things up in those Craft in the sky that create storms are violent

They want to kill man for making that serpent their Lord

God's angels are enraged like Him because of man's choice to become dumped by the Lord

and become a slave of sin

Man wants to make Satan his Lord because he's wicked

They don't understand God's Gospel of repentance and New Birth

Because that's what gets rid of the evil thoughts about making Satan their Lord

All you need to do is repent from sin like a child listening to someone new

And let Him do His work of salvation from your bones to your head

See the message here

Those angels in the sky in those machines, people who've met them know that they're mean. But they're not the devil. That's the rage they feel for the Lord. They don't like you unless you listen to God. If you're born again and anointed, they will walk with you if you listen to God. If you're born again and are in sin instead of listening to God, they will make fun of you and be mean to you.

To walk with an angel, you have to do something for the Lord. If not, they'll be mean to you. Same thing with God's church. When you love the Lord, you don't want people around you that don't listen to God. You'll be mean to them. You might think this is wrong. But we're like that because we love God, and it is God who makes us like that. Thus, it is acceptable to God.

Jesus spoke about the devotion of the holy angels in the parable of the Prodigal Son. Read it below ...

Luke 15:25-32
Authorized (King James) Version

25 Now his elder son was in the field:
and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him,
Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf,
because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father,
Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment:
and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 but as soon as this thy son was come,
which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him,
Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad:
for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Points to note in this story. That the angels are our elder brothers. This is a family we humans are in with them. A celestial family with God and the holy angels. The angels are our brothers.

We are like the younger brother, the prodigal son, who squandered his relationship with his father. But the angels are like the older brother and think like he does about us. They're angry with God for showing grace to our undeserving behavior. The angels obey God like we never have and thus they feel that it's wrong to show us grace. They're mad and a little jealous of us. But they love God and listen to Him, and they want to beat us up for disrespecting God like this ...

Read this passage and see that this is how the angels see us and think toward God and us humans ... that we don't deserve God's grace ... that we should get what we deserve ... the angels desire to look into and understand God's grace because they listen to Him and don't understand it (1 Pt. 1 :11-13) ... in vv. 25, 26, the angel questioned the meaning of the party that God made for the return of his younger brother ... the angels don't understand ...

However, it is easy to see, especially since Gabriel witnesses and preaches just as good as any born-again evangelist in church. I have his messages. That, the angels now understand God's grace. At first, in the beginning, they desired to look into the things of the gospel of grace. But now, they preach with us and even show an example of it.

So, God and His angels, along with us, His church, want to warn the proud and evil flesh that want to touch the Lord's anointed ones ... we have those UFO's hovering over our homes ... they are making storms right now to control you and keep you away from us ...

The Lord Sends Angels inside UFO's to Help Us Christians

See Bold Case Below

2 Samuel 22:5-20
Authorized (King James) Version

5 When the waves of death compassed me,
the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;
6 the sorrows of hell compassed me about;
the snares of death prevented me;
7 in my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God:
and he did hear my voice out of his temple,
and my cry did enter into his ears.
8 Then the earth shook and trembled;
the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.
9 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils,
and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down;
and darkness was under his feet.
11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly:
and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him,
dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.
13 Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.
14 The Lord thundered from heaven,
and the most High uttered his voice.
15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them;
lightning, and discomfited them.
16 And the channels of the sea appeared,
the foundations of the world were discovered,
at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
17 He sent from above, he took me;
he drew me out of many waters;
18 he delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me:
for they were too strong for me.
19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity:
but the Lord was my stay.
20 He brought me forth also into a large place:
he delivered me, because he delighted in me.



"America Again" (Carman - 1993)

"Revive us, O Lord" (Carman - 1985)



"Helter Skelter" (The Beatles - 1968)

Charles Manson - 1969

World without end. Amen.


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